VP of Marketing | Brand Builder

North Carolina Tourism

First account I ever worked on and still to this day, one of my favorites. Featured in The One Show and Communication Arts

 Sometimes, less can most certainly be more. This was one of those times.

Sometimes, less can most certainly be more. This was one of those times.

 Every brief was an opportunity. Even for a one-off print ad. High five from  Communication Arts

Every brief was an opportunity. Even for a one-off print ad. High five from Communication Arts

 The NC Zoo quickly needed an ambient piece to bring awareness around a new exhibit. Within hours, we wrote this up and printed it.   The One Show  and  CA  wrote it up too.

The NC Zoo quickly needed an ambient piece to bring awareness around a new exhibit. Within hours, we wrote this up and printed it. The One Show and CA wrote it up too.

NC Wine Council

NC Wine Council

They say, if an idea is good enough it can be sketched out on a napkin. We drank to that.